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Medidor de potencia de radiación de microondas HP430C

Microwave power meter
Año de fabricación
Descripción técnica

The 430C introduced in the March 1955 Hewlett Packard Journal didn’t widely improve the power meter performance but it was a necessary adjustment of the compatibility of the measurement device with the many new type of power probes found not only in the Hewlett Packard catalog but also from some other microwave components providers like SPERRY or NARDA.

Many new measuring heads could be found on the market in 1955. They could be bolometers or thermistors, positive or negative temperature coefficient and may have had 100 or 200 Ohms operating resistance. The 430C offered a way to match all these various characteristics in a single instrument with full scale reading of 0.1 to 10 milliwatts also calibrated in dBm to give continuous reading from -20 to +10 dBm.

Rather than in the power meter performance, the major 1955 improvement was in the 477A coaxial thermistor mount which covered the frequency range of 10 mc to 10 kmc. This made the combination of the 430C and 477A the first occurrence of an instrument capable of measuring the power level of a signal from RF to Microwave without any connector change or any manual tuning.
The result was a considerable gain of time in production testing and calibration, and a considerable reduction of measurement errors.

HP (Hewlett Packard)
Colección particular MGY
Autor de la ficha
A. Prieto